We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Greenhouse Conference (CGC) will be hosting another Poster Session!
Our goal with this poster session is to highlight research on greenhouse floriculture, fruit, vegetables, and alternative crops in Canada, allowing growers and members of the ag-industry to see the excellent work that you do in support of the many commodities they grow.
The Poster Session is an effective venue for researchers, industry, and extension specialists to present new information pertinent to Canada’s greenhouse horticultural industry. Posters that present results from research trials, including pest management, crop production, new cultivars, and opportunities for marketing Canadian horticulture are welcomed. Posters should be approximately 120 cm x 90 cm (48” x 36”) in either portrait or landscape orientation. Please do not bring oversized posters. Both student and regular submissions are welcome.
Submissions will include two categories: Regular and Student Competition.
Application due date: Sunday, September 8, 2024
Poster PDF due date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
What are we looking for this year?
Traditional research posters and infographics, or other visual messaging tools that can convey appropriate details are encouraged. The complete poster is limited to one page only. As our target audience is predominantly comprised of growers and consultants, avoid technical language or jargon.
To submit a poster in the Poster Session, submit an application to the poster session chair prior to September 8, 2024.
This Student Poster Competition features student research conducted in the field of greenhouse horticulture. The event offers students an opportunity to showcase their work to their target audience, compete for cash awards, and publish their posters online. This competition will be limited to the first 20 applications, so please get your forms in early.
Prizes are available as follows:
1st Prize – $750
2nd Prize – $500
3rd Prize – $350
4th Prize - $150
Eligibility for student poster competition:
The poster competition is directed at students currently enrolled at a college or university who are conducting research on greenhouse crops or related production/marketing practices relevant to Canada. The research must be novel and the student must have performed the majority of the work.
Poster Format and Judging Criteria:
While there is no specific format requirement for posters, students are encouraged to describe the problem being addressed or technology being evaluated, what was done to solve the problem or with the technology during the evaluation, what happened (results), and a discussion on the importance of this work to the greenhouse industry. Infographics are an excellent option, provided they contain elements that can be evaluated using the judging criteria. Posters will be judged by an impartial panel including research scientists, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness specialists, and representatives from the greenhouse industry. Decisions made by judges are final.
Judges will rank the posters based on the following criteria:
Introduction (background and objectives provided) 10
Body (materials and methods, and results clearly stated) 10
Summary (conclusions; relevance to industry; future direction) 20
Research (impact on the industry; appropriate methodology) 15
Organization (sequence logical and evident; statements clear and unambiguous) 15
Visual Impact (graphs, tables, and photos lead to improved understanding of the topic; easily read and understood; appealing backgrounds and colours) 20
Appropriate for the target audience (no scientific jargon; grower/industry-friendly) 10
Denise Beaton– Chair, Poster Session
Crop Protection Specialist
Mobile: 519-400-3636
Cara McCreary – Co-Chair, Poster Session
Greenhouse Vegetable IPM Specialist
Mobile: 519-981-2851
To participate in the 2024 Research Poster Competition, download the application form below.
Application FormPlease note that not all participants allow their work to be posted.